Data Management for Federal and State Funded Programs
For nearly three decades, Edstar Analytics has managed the data and given digestible analysis for many state and federally funded programs.
Making Data Easy to Manage
We understand the different perspective of stakeholders regarding data. Some staff need individual records, while others need all the data electronically, so it can be monitored and summarized for reporting.
We create online forms that serve the unique needs of all stakeholders. Click here to see an example of a form that would provide teachers with artifact documents to show how activities align with the NC Professional Teaching Standards, while creating a database that captures the input. We use this resource when evaluating grants so that we can show how teachers perceive activities building capacity in terms of these standards.

Data Summary for a Math/Science Partnership Grant

Infographic presented weekly to schools that have a goal of increasing FAFSA completion
Data Analysis and Reporting
We produce technical reports required for accountability to funders and also provide infographics and data dashboards to be used by program staff for decision making and for reporting to stakeholders. We create presentations for our clients to use to communicate results to their stakeholders, and at professional conferences. We often help our clients write articles describing the best practices that have been documented. Some examples follow.
White, C. C., & Johnson, J. (2018). Change management in K-12 education for data-driven decisions: Moving from professional judgment to evidence. In E. G. Mense & M. Crain- Dorough (Eds.), Data leadership for K-12 schools in a time of accountability (1st ed., pp. 54–74). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Retrieved from
Dr. Janet Johnson, EDSTAR Analytics, Mr. Keith Sutton, Chairman, Wake County Board of Education, Dr. Marvin Connelly, Jr., Assistant Superintendent Wake County Public Schools. The Inequity in Education of the African American Male, Social Equity Leadership Conference. June 2013
Sparks, E., Johnson, J, Akos, (2010). Using Data to Target Dropout Prevention Efforts. Educational Leadership. Februrary, 2010.
Spires, Hiller, Lee, John,Turner, Kim, Johnson, Janet (2008). Having Our Say: Middle Grade Student Perspectives on School, Technologies, and Academic Engagement. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. Volume 40. Number 4.
Johnson, Janet L., Carruthers, William L., Campbell, Bernice V. (2007). Building Capacity in Faith-Based Organizations and Community-Based Organizations. National Grants Management Journal, Volume 14, Number 2, Winter 2007.
Sparks, Eric, Johnson, Janet L., Effective Strategies for Supporting Long-Term Suspended Students. AERA. Division H First Place Outstanding Instructional Research. 2006
Johnson, Janet L, Olsen, Donna . Effective After-School Program Practices: Project SOAR. Raleigh, NC Wake County Public Schools. AERA. AERA Division H Outstanding Research Summary. 2004
Data Academies and Tools for Understanding
Edstar Analytics has been helping school staff write School Improvement Plans, use American School Counselor Association National Model, and use data-driven goals for grant-funded programs for decades. We have created tools to help educators more effectively use data. We color-code data to help with interpreting it and using it to align services for students. Our four colors denote the range from Needs Significant Help (pink) to Needs Rigor and Access Support (Blue). Click here to see the tool we use for recommending and interpreting relevant data.
We provide interactive tools to help educators understand their data. We call the following the Tower of Hope. Changing the numbers in the table produces a new Tower of Hope to illustrate the distribution of resource need.