Files to Support Youtube Videos
Year | Month | Ranking (1 = Not Important, 5 = Critical) | Tags | Summaries and Links to Policies and Statutes |
2018 | August | 5 | ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reporting, Alternative School | Changes that align NC with ESSA requirements |
2018 | July | 5 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure, Tests for teachers | Extended time to pass exams |
2018 | June | 4 | Graduation, Alternative School | Course for Credit Policy - LEA Policies and Proceduress |
2018 | June | 4 | NC AIG Program Standards | |
2018 | June | 4 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure | Licensure testing Requirements |
2018 | June | 4 | Dispute Resolution Process for Homeless Students | |
2018 | April | 5 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure, Administrator Licensure, Tests for teachers, Principals | Change in CTE license requirements; AIG Add-on Licensure |
2018 | January | 3 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure | Teacher Preparation Policy Updates |
2018 | May | 4 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure | Beginning Teacher Support Program |
2018 | February | 2 | Personnel, Administrator Licensure, Principals | School Administrator Preparation Programs |
2018 | August | 4 | Reporting, Alternative School | Alternative Schools' Accountability Models |
2017 | September | 3 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure | Evaluation Standards and Criteria: Teacher Leadership Specialist |
2017 | September | 3 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure | Evaluation Standards and Criteria: Career Development Coordinator |
2017 | September | 4 | ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies | Course for Credit Policy |
2017 | July | 3 | Math, Social Studies, Graduation | State Graduation Requirements-Social Studies and Math |
2017 | June | 2 | ELA, Math, Science, Graduation | Advanced Courses Satisfying Graduation Requirements |
2016 | December | 3 | Healthy Active Children | |
2016 | September | 4 | Reporting | Students at risk of academic failure |
2018 | November | 2 | General Licensure Requirements | |
2016 | July | 2 | Graduation | Special High School Diplomas for Veterans |
2015 | November | 3 | Personnel | Amendments to Healthy Youth Act Curriculum |
2015 | October | 4 | Return to Learn After Concussion | |
2015 | September | 3 | Graduation, Reporting | Dropouts Referral Process |
2015 | April | 3 | Athletic Trainers | |
2015 | July | 2 | Concussion Safety-Interscholastic Athletics | |
2017 | April | 3 | Guidance and Support, Health | School-Based Mental Health Initiative |
2018 | June | 5 | Math, EOGs, EOCs, Principals, Guidance and Support | Enrollment in advanced mathematics |
2016 | April | 5 | ELA, Math, Graduation | Career and College Ready: math and English remediation |
2018 | May | 3 | Personnel, Teacher Licensure, Administrator Licensure, Principals | Experience/Degree Credit for Salary Purposes |
2014 | October | 5 | Graduation, Reporting | Grading Scale |
2015 | October | 3 | Graduation, Reporting, Health | CPR course |
2013 | July | 2 | Science | Science Safety Checklist |
2013 | August | 4 | ELA, Math | Evaluation Standards for School Counselors |
2013 | October | 4 | Guidance and Support | Evaluation Standards for School Counselors |
2018 | June | 3 | Other | Driver Training Requirements |
2018 | December | 4 | Graduation | College Credit for AP Exam Scores |
2019 | January | 4 | ELA | College Credit for AP Exam Scores |
2019 | February | 3 | Math, Social Studies, Graduation | Updates to Policy GRAD-008 |
2019 | January | 4 | Graduation, Health | Updates to Policy GRAD-004 |
2018 | December | 4 | ELA, Math, Graduation | College Developmental Reading & Mathematics |