Financial Aid: Significant Need – Academic Record: Below Average – Path: Military 

Use the resources in the links below to get information for making a plan.  Complete the Aspiration Plan form after exploring the information.

Click the links below to get information about applying for FAFSA.

YearMonthRanking (1 = Not Important, 5 = Critical)TagsSummaries and Links to Policies and Statutes
2018August5ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reporting, Alternative SchoolChanges that align NC with ESSA requirements
2018July5Personnel, Teacher Licensure, Tests for teachersExtended time to pass exams
2018June4Graduation, Alternative SchoolCourse for Credit Policy - LEA Policies and Proceduress
2018June4NC AIG Program Standards
2018June4Personnel, Teacher LicensureLicensure testing Requirements
2018June4Dispute Resolution Process for Homeless Students
2018April5Personnel, Teacher Licensure, Administrator Licensure, Tests for teachers, PrincipalsChange in CTE license requirements; AIG Add-on Licensure
2018January3Personnel, Teacher LicensureTeacher Preparation Policy Updates
2018May4Personnel, Teacher LicensureBeginning Teacher Support Program
2018February2Personnel, Administrator Licensure, PrincipalsSchool Administrator Preparation Programs
2018August4Reporting, Alternative SchoolAlternative Schools' Accountability Models
2017September3Personnel, Teacher Licensure Evaluation Standards and Criteria: Teacher Leadership Specialist
2017September3Personnel, Teacher LicensureEvaluation Standards and Criteria: Career Development Coordinator
2017September4ELA, Math, Science, Social StudiesCourse for Credit Policy
2017July3Math, Social Studies, Graduation State Graduation Requirements-Social Studies and Math
2017June2ELA, Math, Science, GraduationAdvanced Courses Satisfying Graduation Requirements
2016December3Healthy Active Children
2016September4ReportingStudents at risk of academic failure
2018November2General Licensure Requirements
2016July2GraduationSpecial High School Diplomas for Veterans
2015November3PersonnelAmendments to Healthy Youth Act Curriculum
2015October4Return to Learn After Concussion
2015September3Graduation, ReportingDropouts Referral Process
2015April3Athletic Trainers
2015July2 Concussion Safety-Interscholastic Athletics
2017April3Guidance and Support, HealthSchool-Based Mental Health Initiative
2018June5Math, EOGs, EOCs, Principals, Guidance and SupportEnrollment in advanced mathematics
2016April5ELA, Math, GraduationCareer and College Ready: math and English remediation
2018May3Personnel, Teacher Licensure, Administrator Licensure, Principals Experience/Degree Credit for Salary Purposes
2014October5Graduation, ReportingGrading Scale
2015October3Graduation, Reporting, Health CPR course
2013July2ScienceScience Safety Checklist
2013August4ELA, MathEvaluation Standards for School Counselors
2013October4Guidance and SupportEvaluation Standards for School Counselors
2018June3OtherDriver Training Requirements
2018December4GraduationCollege Credit for AP Exam Scores
2019January4ELACollege Credit for AP Exam Scores
2019February3Math, Social Studies, GraduationUpdates to Policy GRAD-008
2019January4Graduation, HealthUpdates to Policy GRAD-004
2018December4ELA, Math, GraduationCollege Developmental Reading & Mathematics

Your academic record may not truly reflect your academic ability.  You can improve your scores by studying and retaking the ASVAB.  You can also benefit from the other practice tests.

What is a living wage?Living wage calculator
FAFSAApplication for federal aids and student loans
FAFSA 4casterThis will forecast your eligibility amounts.
What you need for FAFSAWhat you need before you get started on FAFSA
Financial Literacy ResourcesGovernment website for Financial Literacy curriculum and resources
CareerOneStopScholarship finder sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor
CappexCreate an account to get a personalized list of scholarships.
College GreenlightSearch for scholarships by category.
Student Scholarship SearchThis site uses your grade, GPA, state, gender, and ethnic background to match you to scholarships.
FastwebFind scholarships specific to your needs.
Going MerryFind and apply to scholarships in one place by creating an account to this website.
Scholarship AmericaAnother free site to search for scholarships.
ScholarshipsFree search for over 3.7 million scholarships and grants.
UnigoCreate a free scholarship profile to find scholarships that you may be eligible for.
Global ScholarhipsA scholarship search engine dedicated to supporting international students' academic dreams through scholarship opportunities.

Click the links to explore information about careers in the military.

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